How to pay for college

Higher education is absurdly expensive in the United States. Financing a college education in America costs more than some family homes, a problem that has fed the student loan crisis. Our latest release takes a hard look at how to choose a college, as well as how to pay for it.  Does Size Matter? Smaller […]

You were born to fail

As a cop, Secret Service agent, politician, television show host, and podcaster, Dan Bongino has failed his way through a lot of high-profile jobs. In fact, he believes that learning from those failures is what gave his career real momentum. His new memoir explores the alchemy of transforming mistakes into gold. Failing Is Teamwork You might […]

How to relax

Finding the mythical work-life balance is something that most of us struggle with. In our off hours and on the weekend, it’s tempting to sleep in, doomscroll, or binge Netflix. But there is more than one kind of free time—and chances are you’re coming up short in at least one area. Optimize Your Time Off […]

The new art of the deal

Your personal and professional lives are full of opportunities to negotiate. Compromise is an art, not a competition. By unlocking the power of empathy and understanding, you can develop strategies to influence positive outcomes every time. Humanize Yourself Establishing a personal connection means a lot in a world where people can feel like anonymous entities. […]

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