First impressions are not just about what you say, but also how you say it. Almost every facet of your personality is evident from your appearance, your posture, your tone of voice, and the way you move. How to Talk to Anyone contains 92 easy-to-use techniques that will help you enhance your communication skills. Here are […]
What Is Warren Buffett’s Secret?
Warren Buffett’s company Berkshire Hathaway has the most expensive publicly traded stock in history. How did he reach that height? One step at a time. Buffett’s investment philosophy ranks patience, rationality, and honesty as the highest virtues. He says that a quickened pulse is a cause of major mistakes—and even self-delusion. Slow and steady wins […]
Don’t Let Anyone Drag You Down
Does your workplace have talent density? According to Reed Hastings, the founder of Netflix, talent density is when innovative workplaces with highly skilled people collaborate effectively. When talent density is high, people devote more energy to their jobs, and work harder to make the company succeed. Talent density can be diluted when one or more […]
Clean Up Your Digital Footprint
What would a stranger think if he or she googled you? Before the internet, job applicants could tailor the images they presented to employers by sending in paper résumés that listed all their best qualities. In today’s world, however, we don’t quite have as much control over how other people perceive us. Often, potential employers […]
How to Be a Player
Perhaps you’re familiar with the board game Monopoly, where you can purchase premium properties like Boardwalk and Park Place, or build a hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue. The objective of the game is to acquire as many properties as possible, so that you can bankrupt your opponents by charging steep rents. In the real world, of […]
Can You Spot a Psychopath?
A mysterious manuscript led journalist Jon Ronson into the heart of the “madness industry,” where he talked to some of the top psychologists and neurologists who study psychopaths. Ronson’s investigation introduced him to a researcher with an interesting idea: that murderous criminals and corporate executives share many of the same psychological traits. The main difference is […]
Don’t Work Hard. Work Smart.
Most work is about quality over quantity. If you’re working long hours every day, every week, you might not be working intelligently enough. Underearners often think they’ll never make high wages because it would require a superhuman amount of hard work. But the real secret to success is to be a high earner while setting […]
How to Handle Feedback
We need other people’s feedback to make ourselves (and our organizations) better. But what many people fail to realize is that collecting feedback is only one step in a longer process of self-improvement. The next two steps in the feedback loop, processing and responding, are must not be forgotten. Feedback needs to be heard, yes; […]
Do You Have a Motive?
People are motivated by many kinds of desires. To sell something, first you need to get to know your audience—especially what motivates them. Understanding the psychology of motivation is the key to the art of persuasion. People are much more apt to buy into ideas and personalities than they are to buy products or plans. […]
The Art of Customer Service
A lot of experts talk about how important it is to provide good customer service. But a single extraordinary experience where customer service goes above and beyond does not guarantee continued patronage. The truth is that most consumers don’t need stellar customer service. They just want to achieve their desired outcome with as little effort […]