Chris Hadfield is one of the most famous astronauts in the world. But when he decided to pursue space travel, his home country, Canada, didn’t even have a space program. How did he go about taking practical steps to chase a seemingly impossible dream? It all started when nine-year-old Hadfield, glued to his family’s TV set, […]
Your Baby Needs a Schedule
Babies benefit from routine sleep and feeding schedules—and so do their parents. As adults, our habits become inextricably linked with the needs of our kids. Babies need good sleep schedules because repetition and predictability help them feel safe and secure. And we need good sleep schedules to function properly and support our immune systems (a necessity that’s […]
The World’s Richest Man Just Got Richer
With Amazon’s stock up more than 50 percent this year, Jeff Bezos’s fortune has skyrocketed by more than $56 billion in 2020 alone. With a current net worth of more than $170 billion, Bezos is one of many billionaires, including Elon Musk, for whom business is thriving during the COVID-19 pandemic. To reward Amazon’s frontline […]
Love in the Time of COVID-19
Romance can lose its sense of excitement over time. But what happens when even your arguments fall into a rut? As our professional and social lives continue to suffer from the strain of the COVID-19 pandemic, our home lives have become more complicated. Our romantic partners provide shelter from the world, but they can also […]
Learn from the Middle
There’s no such thing as having too many leaders in a workplace. Famed leadership consultant and author John C. Maxwell doesn’t just define leadership as a top-down phenomenon that is limited to people in managerial roles. Maxwell says that most leadership takes place in the middle of the organizational hierarchy—and that it’s important for these […]
How to Dig Deep
We get it. It’s easy to procrastinate, especially when it comes to plans for self-improvement. But former Navy SEAL Jocko Willink has a piece of advice for people who are trying to improve themselves: lifestyle changes work best when they’re implemented as quickly as possible. You don’t need to wait for an opportune moment to commit […]
Silence Your Inner Critic
Emotions are like weather systems in that you can’t control them. You can only experience them. That lack of control doesn’t make you inadequate; it just means you’re human. Tara Brach, a clinical psychologist who writes from a Buddhist perspective, says the key to happiness to simply embrace your most difficult emotions, including worry, fear, […]
Can Dogs Read Minds?
Have you ever sensed that your dog can read your mood? It’s not an illusion—science suggests that your pet can tune in to your emotional wavelength. One reason that dogs have survived so long as a species is because they evolved to understand humans. Think about it: humans depend on the ability to read one […]
Is Your Service Up to Snuff?
Disney has made headlines recently with its plans to reopen parts of its flagship theme park in Orlando, Florida in just a few weeks. (The Shanghai location opened on June 16, and the California location may follow suit later this summer.) A Disney vacation may look different for the foreseeable future, but the company has […]
Power Is Fickle
Is Silicon Valley growing tired of its most iconic founders? The recent grifts of figures like Elizabeth Holmes and Adam Neumann may herald an era in which people are more skeptical of leaders with eccentric beliefs and habits. In this atmosphere (and under increasing pressure from the federal government), industry titans Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg […]