Have you ever been given the advice to follow your passion? According to Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, that piece of conventional wisdom is nonsense. People who allow passions to direct their decisions tend to make unwise choices. They take risks and make other bad business decisions. According to Adams, it’s a much safer […]
The Truth About Diabetes
A dietary disease requires a dietary cure. This principle is the foundation of The Diabetes Code, Dr. Jason Fung’s natural strategy for combining nutrition and intermittent fasting to address Type 2 diabetes. More than 90 percent of diabetes cases worldwide are Type 2, which is characterized by insulin resistance. When left unchecked, diabetes can wreak havoc […]
Go Ahead: Get in a Fight
Around the world, many people are dealing with increased stress levels even as they’re spending more time at home. This isn’t the ideal formula for domestic bliss. The good news is that the occasional disagreement with your partner can be good for your relationship. Arguments that arise from sharing a life can be positive because they teach […]
The Science of Greatness
What if the way you think could decide your destiny? That was the unshakable belief of Wallace D. Wattles, a pioneering writer in the self-help genre. In books like The Science of Getting Rich, Wattles shared and developed his theories about how the human mind shapes the material world. Wattles believed that greatness is ultimately a […]
Expand Your Brand
There’s more to life than LinkedIn. If you’re thinking about transitioning into a new career or even entrepreneurship, employment-focused websites can be great. But don’t overlook social media platforms as a resource to build contacts and expand your audience. Your followers on social media can help you generate influence, find business opportunities that line up […]
Put Your Beliefs to the Test
With rapid-fire news cycles and the speed of social media, it’s easier than ever to quickly jump to the wrong conclusion. We humans have evolved with a tendency to believe information without verifying it first, especially when it comes to abstract beliefs. Historically, we have relied on black-and-white thinking to survive. Early humans didn’t stop to […]
Do Customers Need Your Products to Survive?
Now more than ever, shoppers gravitate toward items designed to appeal to their survival instinct. This has always been the case, according to marketing and branding expert Donald Miller. Human beings have evolved to prioritize their own longevity and success. Even people who have financial security are subconsciously drawn to products and tools that can […]
Make the Right Choice
Obstacles are a natural part of life. But most of us have faced a lot more challenges than usual in 2020. Is there any value that we can try to find in recent hardships? Motivational speaker Gabrielle Bernstein says we have an important choice. When we encounter difficulties, we can embrace the challenge as an opportunity to […]
How to Own the Day
The way this morning unfolds will set the mood for the rest of your day. Getting a good start is incredibly important. You can set your intention for the workday in just 20 minutes. Three small steps will move things in the right direction: hydrate, do a little light exercise, and try to see the […]
Take the Big Leap
It may seem like circumstances are holding you back right now. But psychologist Gay Hendricks thinks that most of us are self-sabotaging in ways we don’t even realize. One of the most common barriers to success, according to Hendricks, is something called the Upper Limit Problem (ULP). It’s a self-imposed, subconscious limit for how much […]