Are you a visual thinker?

From the moment we’re born, our perceptions of the world are highly visual. But as we get older, language begins to take precedence for most people. Visual thinkers excel in spatial tasks (like putting furniture together) and struggle with traditional education. These differences are often considered weaknesses, but they can be assets. Problem Solving Visual […]

Pump Club 📖

When Arnold Schwarzenegger moved to the United States in 1968, he was aghast. The general public knew nothing about bodybuilding. Arnie knew he had a duty. A duty to pump you up. Sell the Vision Schwarzenegger argued that bodybuilders needed to teach journalists about the sport, and took it upon himself to educate the public. Authenticity and owning […]

Why do people hate Ray Dalio?

In 2017, Ray Dalio wrote a hit autobiography about how he founded and led Bridgewater, the world’s largest hedge fund. The book was enormously successful, but it also fed discontent behind the scenes between Dalio and his employees. Rob Copeland, a financial reporter for the New York Times, digs deep into Dalio’s secrets in our latest Instaread. […]

The consensus trap

We’ve all heard of urban myths. But are you familiar with collective illusions? They happen when a vocal minority misrepresents and misleads the majority’s opinions, and they’re very easy to buy into. How can we combat this common problem? Breaking the Spell Journalism has a role in breaking apart collective illusions, but it can also […]

Change your relationship to time

Have you ever seen one of those live baby eagle cams? During COVID-19 lockdowns, writer and artist Jenny Odell watched one and it inspired her to begin documenting changes in nature with photos taken from her window. She wasn’t alone; eBirds reported a 37 percent increase in birdwatchers posting observations in 2021. What did they learn? Bird […]

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