A place of inspiration and learning, in record time.

Activate Your Creativity

Fear is a powerful motivator, but one thing that fear can’t fuel is creative projects. Nothing will mute or silence your creative instincts quite like the fear of failure. And it can be difficult for high achievers in particular to let go of the exacting standards they adhere to in their work. According to author Elizabeth […]

Choosing Ease Over Excellence

Customer service is hard to get right. When customers have a terrific experience, they might mention it to a few friends. But research shows that negative experiences tend to stand out more in people’s minds—and those unhappy campers have tools like Yelp and Twitter to amplify their grievances. Authors Matthew Dixon, Nick Toman, and Rick […]

The Art of Perfect Timing

As any athlete knows, it is difficult, if not impossible, to overcome an early disadvantage. In WHEN, author Daniel Pink writes about how perfect timing is often a matter of optimizing the beginning, middle, and end of projects. One of Pink’s most important observations is that getting off to a bad start is likely to […]

What to Do When You Can’t Relate

When you find it difficult to connect with someone, try to see the world from their point of view. Empathy is easy enough in theory. But in practice, the act of imagining the world through someone else’s eyes doesn’t always come naturally. Usually, the more distant and different a person’s life is from your own, the […]

Four Myths About Launching a Startup

Starting a new business is difficult, and it seems like every successful entrepreneur has his or her own recipe for success. But if you’re deep in the process of developing (or running) a new company, all those books about other people’s experiences may seem more overwhelming than useful. To help entrepreneurs or would-be entrepreneurs make […]

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