It’s natural to label emotions as good and bad. But joy and anger are just feelings. One is pleasant and the other is not, but both will pass eventually. It may be more helpful to look at your emotions as a series of shifting urges and sensations without categories. That’s because labeling an emotion as […]
The American Royals
Most of us wouldn’t mind a little more floor space. But we’re guessing that even your wildest Zillow dream house isn’t 175,000 square feet. That’s the size of the Biltmore House, a real American castle built by a Vanderbilt heir and nestled in the verdant mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. Construction began in 1889, and […]
Surviving a Plane Crash
When Larry Shaben regained consciousness, he was still strapped into his seat. The plane had hit the ground upside down, and it took a moment to get oriented. Several of the other passengers were already dead, and more would die before the ordeal was over. But Larry was relatively intact, with broken ribs and a […]
Putting Purpose Over Profit
Today’s business leaders tend to focus on profit and perfection, at the expense of everything else. Hubert Joly, the former CEO of Best Buy, thinks that this mentality is poisonous. To thrive, a company has to care about more than profit. Joly says that the key to success is to have a noble purpose at […]
How To Build Buzz
Creating buzz around your business is a tough task. While it may seem to come naturally to influencers, they put a lot of work into building their followings. We know that managing accounts on more than one media platform may seem daunting, especially when you start. That’s okay! Here’s a shortcut: try focusing on just […]
Should You Spring For Brand-Name Drugs?
Generic drugs are popular because they’re cheaper than their brand-name counterparts. But are they what they appear to be? Focusing on the Indian pharmaceutical sector, investigative journalist Katherine Eban says that the generic drug industry is plagued by politics and greed, which endangers the lives of millions of people on a global scale. While countries […]
How did Football Get so Popular?
The National Football League was founded in 1920. But football wasn’t always the most popular sport in the United States. For years, the sport couldn’t even draw a crowd, much less turn a profit. In 1926, twenty-two teams were competing. By 1931, the NFL consisted of just 10 active teams. Our latest Instaread tells the […]
Marketing Made Easy
A good sales presentation—whether it’s in the form of a meeting, an email, web copy, an advertisement, or something else—is most effective when it’s super simple. Think of your presentation as a story, with compelling characters and plot. It should have emotional appeal. (Pure reason doesn’t sell.) Keep in mind that it’s usually best to […]
Are You Juggling Too Much?
Finding the perfect equilibrium between work and family is a myth that has haunted workers for decades. Here’s the hard truth: they cannot be balanced. The actual model we have is more like work-life Jenga. It consists of making the best strategic moves and hoping that the whole pile doesn’t come crashing down. A lot […]
Is Uric Acid Harming Your Health?
Uric acid is a metabolic waste product secreted in your urine. It’s involved in our most basic metabolic activities, but it has generally gone under the radar. New research suggests that it’s actually very important: high levels of uric acid are associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and […]