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Get In The Game

When practicing a new skill, it’s easy to focus on everything you’re doing wrong. But W. Timothy Gallwey, a coach who’s famous for introducing meditation to the Harvard University Tennis Team, points out that all that negativity obscures the fact that almost all of us improve in any given pursuit over time. In THE INNER GAME […]

Something to Talk About

As a writer on TV shows like ER and Friends, Lori Gottlieb was a storyteller whose job was to find the drama in everyday situations. Then, in the midst of a wildly successful second career as a psychotherapist, Gottlieb had some drama of her own—a terrible breakup that landed her in counseling. With MAYBE YOU SHOULD TALK TO […]

Canine Wisdom

How do our pets feel about us? Bored with studying the way that humans make decisions, neuroscientist Gregory Berns decided to find out. He used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to make the world’s first maps of the canine brain. One of the things Berns wanted to know is whether dogs have emotional lives, or […]

Fake News?

Mark R. Levin, best friend of Sean Hannity and the host of Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News, has a new book about modern journalism. Most reporters strongly favor the Democratic Party, Levin claims. With an official endorsement from President Trump (via Twitter, of course), UNFREEDOM OF THE PRESS has shot to the top of the […]

Indulge Your Dark Side

There’s a fine line between self-improvement and being too hard on yourself. In living up to your potential, it’s all too easy to become locked in a cycle of questioning your own worth. Luckily, there’s an antidote: RADICAL ACCEPTANCE. This weekend, take a page from psychologist Tara Brach’s book and silence your inner critic. Radical acceptance […]

A Journey to Love and Faith

David Brooks and his wife split up in 2013, after decades of marriage. Adrift, the New York Times columnist threw himself into his writing. Brooks’s fortune took a surprising turn during a hike in Aspen, when he stopped to read a book of Puritan prayers. It was the first step in his journey towards Christian faith—and a second […]

Free-range Expertise

You don’t need a head start. You don’t need 10,000 hours. And you certainly don’t need to specialize in anything while you’re still a kid. With RANGE, a treatise against the cult of deliberate practice, journalist and sportswriter David Epstein makes the case for how people who learn a little about a lot of things […]

Strength in Weakness

Good business isn’t just about buying and selling. It’s also about generosity—giving and taking. We often think of independence as a virtue, especially in the Western world. But the research on networking tells a different story, in which receiving help from others actually boosts your reputation.  Here’s an interesting example: Allowing yourself to express vulnerability […]

Don’t Worry, Be Unhappy

Mark Manson says that the modern world is hopeless. Or, more accurately, he says EVERYTHING IS F*CKED. Believe it or not, that’s the good news! Too many self-help books focus on happiness as a goal, but suffering will always be a natural part of life. We can only find real fulfillment, Manson says, when we […]

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