Do you ever become anxious or stumble over your words when you’re talking off the cuff — say, at a job interview or when you meet a new person at a party? Most people do. The good news is that impromptu speaking is a skill that you can improve with a few simple hacks. Let […]
Most kids don’t need therapy
The mental health care industry has convinced many young people and their parents that most kids are sick. But therapy can be harmful, especially for kids who can’t push back against their therapists’ views. That’s the view of Abigail Shrier, whose latest book has been called essential for parents by Elon Musk. Our latest release […]
How to kick dread and anxiety
Anxiety is just your body’s way of getting attention. It’s not an identity or a permanent state that defines who you are. It’s best to think of any anxiety you experience as an alarm or signal that something needs to change. The tough part is figuring out exactly what that change needs to be. Make […]
Interval training for your career
Becoming your best self is challenging. The main barrier for most people is not the absence of knowledge or talent, but a lack of consistency. Execution is everything because excellent ideas are useless if they aren’t put into practice. How can you close the execution gap? Just Add Urgency A lot of people and organizations […]
Economic security in an uncertain world
New York University business school professor Scott Galloway has spent his career working with young people. In that capacity and as a highly successful business person in his own right, Galloway has compiled some of his best advice for intentional living and financial security in The Algebra of Wealth. Talent Over Passion Galloway cautions against following […]
Will this email solve your love life?
When you’re single, it seems like everyone has dating advice. Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in a sea of red flags describing who to avoid. But no one’s perfect, which means we have to allow room for flaws — including our own. Instead, Pay Attention Protecting yourself is crucial in a relationship, which means […]
How to find more time
Two to five hours a day. That’s the sweet spot for how much free time you need in order to feel satisfied with your life. By managing your time better, you can become much happier without making drastic changes. Our latest Instaread can show you how. Time Abundance The way we experience time is subjective, […]
Where’d the money go?
“Wealth erosion” happens when big fortunes aren’t passed down through generations. In 1900, the US was home to approximately 4,000 millionaires. If even one-fourth of them had handled their wealth well, that group would have produced 16,000 billionaires by now. Where did those families go wrong? Keep Getting Richer It turns out that understanding how […]
Who’s “crazy”?
The history of mental health treatment in the United States is complex, particularly in Black communities. Using historical records as well as interviews with patients, staff, and family members, award-winning journalist Antonia Hylton explores the troubling influence of racial bias in health care and the criminal justice system. History Is Not the Past Psychiatry was […]
The case against smart phones
What if we’re doing parenting all wrong? Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt says that parents have become overprotective in the real world, where danger has diminished, while failing to protect kids online. Our latest release offers a course correction. The Right Kinds of Play Play researchers believe that minor injuries are actually beneficial for learning. Our […]