Get More Out of What You Read

You don’t need a fancy degree to get the most out of your reading. But learning even a little bit more about literature will enhance every book you read for the rest of your life. Yes, even those paperbacks they sell at the airport.  Take the opening page of a novel. That first page—or even […]

A Mother’s Worst Nightmare

In 1948, a striking black-and-white photograph ran in a newspaper. A group of small children sat under a sign: “4 children for sale.” Their mother cried into her hands in the background. The picture was taken in Chicago. Some claim it was staged. At least two of the children have come forward to say that […]

How to Toughen Up

Every day you live and breathe is proof that you’re unstoppable. Your tenaciousness is a matter of fact, so you may as well believe it. You don’t have to feel emotionally bulletproof every day. We all have moments of weakness. But the evidence that you made it through yesterday strongly suggests that you’ll endure tomorrow.  […]

Cut Yourself Some Slack

Are you your own worst enemy? Your inner voice can be a harsh critic, comparing yourself to others and making you feel bad about yourself. When you beat up on yourself too often, it can have terrible long-term effects, sapping your happiness, self-confidence, and self-esteem.  To cut down on self-criticism, start by reflecting on past […]

Raise Your Emotional IQ

With war in the headlines (again), we’re reminded that, at its worst, modern life can feel gray and hopeless.  Hopelessness is an emotion that’s caused by difficult life events that are out of your control. But hope is an entirely different animal. In fact, hope isn’t an emotion at all. It’s a way of thinking.   […]

How to Mix Things Up

Companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter are constantly harvesting your data in the name of improving their offerings. But did you know that, if you use their services frequently, they are also likely performing experiments on you? It’s all part of smart experimentation in the age of Big Data. Companies in the 21st century have learned […]

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