Your Psycho Ex

Psychopaths: they’re more than just the masked villains in horror movies. With tens of millions of people suffering from psychopathic disorders in the general population, the condition is far more common than most people realize. In PSYCHOPATH FREE, author Jackson MacKenzie explores how to recover from a romantic relationship with an emotionally abusive partner—and how […]

What’s Wrong With White Lies?

Sam Harris wants you to tell the truth. In LYING, his treatise against deception of all kinds, Harris examines why people lie—and why they should stop. Banishing little white lies from your life might be harder than it sounds, but it’s well worth the trouble. Here are two key insights from our latest release. Key Insight […]

You (Version 2.0)

Each of us manages a collection of habits—some good, and some bad. But over time, these habits become so familiar that they’re almost invisible. Whether it’s a small project or a comprehensive overhaul, the self-improvement process is about examining these habits and letting go of the ones that don’t work. It’s easier than it sounds! […]

Your Next TED Talk

The speakers in viral TED talks may sound unattainably cool and professional. The good news is that excellent speakers are made, not born—public speaking is like any other competence, in the sense that practice strengthens the skill. Our latest Instaread original will walk you through the steps, from selecting the right topic all the way […]

Positive Thinking Isn’t Enough

Optimism is a mighty tool. But in THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING, Normal Vincent Peale makes a common-sense observation: sometimes a good attitude and affirming mantras aren’t enough to get the job done. According to Peale, the key to a truly effective session of positive thinking is to incorporate visualization.Thinking happy thoughts about your big Monday […]

Wealth Science

Anyone can get rich. At least that was the fervent belief of Wallace D. Wattles, who developed a self-help method that anyone can follow. While Wattles’s unorthodox ideas haven’t exactly been laboratory-tested, they’re easy enough to try. Intrigued? Get a full education with our Instaread on THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH.

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