Is There a Constitutional Crisis?

The foundational rights of citizens in the United States can only endure if Americans choose to protect and nurture the Constitution. This responsibility has been passed down between generations for hundreds of years. It has been considered sacred.  That is, until recently.  The problem is that civilizations do not always evolve. In fact, they often […]

Can the U.S. Recover?

The death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, led to a wave of Black Lives Matter protests. But actively fighting for human rights, and Black lives specifically, shouldn’t require a shocking incident or video, says CNN journalist Don Lemon. As one of the newscasters who broke the news of Floyd’s death, Lemon recognized that […]

Get Over It

The next time something’s bugging you—an old memory, perhaps, or a recent misstep at work—try to put it in writing. When we feel embarrassed or sad or angry, memories can overlap and replay on an endless mental loop. It can be very difficult to break this cycle of negative self-talk. Writing about the experience puts […]

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