Who’s Pulling Your Strings?

Propaganda doesn’t have the best reputation. We often associate it with manipulation, like Nazi propaganda in World War II. And we can still see its negative effects today, playing out in places such as Eastern Europe.  But propaganda isn’t inherently good or bad. It can be used for a wide range of purposes. Consider public […]

This is the War on Knowledge

The disturbing images from Russia’s war on Ukraine are a powerful reminder of how brutal fascism can be. But it’s important to remember that fascism isn’t just sheer violence; it’s also a war on knowledge. In How Fascism Works, Yale professor Jason Stanley looks at how fascist leaders hold on to power with sneaky tactics like […]

What has Shaped You?

Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s father used to tell her this piece of advice.  But she didn’t really understand what he meant until she got older. In college, she realized that Christian conservatism formed the basis of her worldview, which had been instilled in her by loving parents. When she left her hometown, […]

Are Americans in Denial?

Bestselling author and psychologist Mary L. Trump is Donald Trump’s niece—and one of his most outspoken critics.  In her new book The Reckoning, Ms. Trump examines the societal traumas that have been imprinted on the American psyche. From the history of slavery and racism to her uncle’s presidency, society’s collective forgetting has corrupted the country. It […]

Is There a Constitutional Crisis?

The foundational rights of citizens in the United States can only endure if Americans choose to protect and nurture the Constitution. This responsibility has been passed down between generations for hundreds of years. It has been considered sacred.  That is, until recently.  The problem is that civilizations do not always evolve. In fact, they often […]

Can the U.S. Recover?

The death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, led to a wave of Black Lives Matter protests. But actively fighting for human rights, and Black lives specifically, shouldn’t require a shocking incident or video, says CNN journalist Don Lemon. As one of the newscasters who broke the news of Floyd’s death, Lemon recognized that […]

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