Megathreat Creep

Nouriel Roubini has a pretty cool nickname for an economist. But “Dr. Doom,” as he’s known, doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the future, particularly since he predicted the 2008 economic collapse. His new book, Megathreats, is about how interconnected economic, technological, environmental, and political problems may be the end of society as we know it. Dr. […]

How Did We Get Here?

How does a cataclysmic event alter the world? It’s an interesting question to ponder as we watch the effects of COVID-19 continue to unfold. Recognizing that history doesn’t actually happen overnight, business prof Scott Galloway analyzes almost a century’s worth of crisis and change in the United States, including events like World War II and […]

The Secret Keeper

John F. Kennedy liked to swim naked at lunchtime. Franklin D. Roosevelt made staffers hide his wheelchair at dinner parties. Lyndon B. Johnson complained about the water pressure. J.B. West, who served as head usher at the White House for 28 years, absorbed a lot of interesting tidbits during his decades on the job—and he […]

Hanging Out with Kim Jong-Un

“You’re fired.”  Mike Pompeo, who served as director of the CIA and US Secretary of State under Donald Trump, was the only member of Trump’s core team who didn’t hear those words or quit of his own accord. Over four years of delicate negotiations with volatile leaders in North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Russia, Pompeo worked […]

The Dark Past of German Moguls

Porsche cars, Dr. Oetker products, and billionaire dynasties such as the Quandts are very famous names and brands. But few people know about their horrifying pasts. Investigative journalist David de Jong aims to change that with Nazi Billionaires, an explosive story that uncovers the truth about modern-day German conglomerates that have swept their Nazi pasts under […]

A True Story From The Wild West

Kit Carson was a legend of the American West — a trapper, guide, and soldier. He was unusual among his contemporaries in that he also deeply understood (and tried to honor) the native peoples there. Set against the backdrop of the decades-long battle between the Navajos and the Americans who threatened their land and their […]

Wounds, Woods, and Warriors

Don’t look away. The conflict was brutal, and so is the story. Arnold Boleman’s novel retells a centuries-old tale of violence and politics that would eventually shape modern-day India. A deft blend of real history and fictional characters, Yalgaar looks at the life of India’s great warrior king, Shivaji, through the eyes of ordinary people. Terror and Upheaval  Hiroji is […]

Heir vs. Spare

Poor Prince Harry. It’s not easy being fifth in line to the throne. He and Meghan Markle made headlines when they defected to North America. Now in California, Harry recently released his tell-all memoir Spare to great fanfare. So what’s in it? The Royal Rumble Harry’s memoir is packed with petty grievances. (Apparently, Will and Kate were […]

Train Your Brain for the Future

Jane McGonigal is a forecaster who runs simulations that help people imagine what the future will be like. When you picture a potential threat in your mind’s eye, you can learn how to deal with it better when and if it arises. Today’s Instaread, Imaginable, will help you become more agile and resilient—and could even save your […]

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