Theories about teamwork management often involve thinking of the group as cohesive entity. And to be sure, how a group works together is important to the team’s success. But in HIGH OUTPUT MANAGEMENT, co-founder and longtime leader at Intel Andrew Grove points out that the best managers don’t treat the team as a group. Instead, each […]
Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Sure, some people become millionaires with dramatic business moves or by winning the lottery. But more often, people get rich by putting one foot in front of another and making the right choices on a consistent basis. For anyone who’s dreaming about a seven-figure income, here are two top insights from MILLIONAIRE SUCCESS HABITS. Key Insight […]
Weekend Wisdom – Beyond the Comfort Zone
Like most animals, humans naturally dwell in their comfort zones. In extreme weather, it’s nice to stay at home. Lunch with an old friend feels easier than a meal with someone new. And we feel most capable when we’re doing familiar work over which we have a sense of mastery. When the opportunity arises, we […]
The Invisible Heart
You’ve probably heard that the market has an invisible hand. The person who coined that famous phrase was Adam Smith, the Scottish intellectual who invented the field of economics as we know it. But did you know that Smith also wrote a book about morality? His lesser-known classic THE THEORY OF MORAL SENTIMENTS explores how […]
Reality TV’s Biggest Billionaire
The business world isn’t quite sure what to make of Kylie Jenner, who earns up to a million dollars per Instagram post. Jenner didn’t become a billionaire by using traditional tools. Instead, she has relied on social media platforms, her family, and a tiny staff as she’s led her company, Kylie Cosmetics, to extreme profitability. Our new Instaread original […]
What’s Going On with WeWork?
After years of speculation about WeWork’s potential overvaluation, fans and critics have finally been granted a closer look at the coworking company’s current status. In the past, WeWork’s leaders have justified its astronomical estimated value, last projected at $47 billion, by pointing to an ever-expanding customer base of freelancers and entrepreneurs who could benefit from […]
The Real Competitive Edge
People with positive attitudes tend to deliver the best results, which means that attitude can be a critical differentiator in highly competitive industries. Whether you’re trying to find the best and brightest overachievers to staff your team, or wooing new clients yourself, a little positivity goes a long way. Our Instaread on HOW HIGH WILL […]
Weekend Wisdom: Having a Weakness is Human. Admitting it is Leadership.
With more than 50 books about leadership and faith under his belt, John Maxwell knows a thing or two about success in business. His most popular title, THE 21 IRREFUTABLE LAWS OF LEADERSHIP, teaches leaders and would-be leaders to sharpen their skills and competencies. While there’s always room for self-improvement, Maxwell points out that it’s important […]
Weekend Wisdom – Money Making Mom
Balancing work and family is never easy, even for moms who pause their careers to care for their kids. In MONEY MAKING MOM, Crystal Paine advises stay-at-home mothers to keep their eyes peeled for opportunities to keep their skills and training fresh.Many positions translate readily into freelance jobs. A former teacher might tutor a handful […]
Must-read Management
The Toyota Production System, as its name suggests, is a car manufacturing method. But nearly a century after the system was first developed for a factory, it has been applied in office settings around the world. Today, THE TOYOTA WAY remains one of the most influential systems in business and project management. Here are two top insights […]