This is America. 🎵

Americans worry a lot about terrorism. But Richard Haass, a foreign policy expert, says that the most significant threat to the country’s security and stability comes from its internal political divisions. These problems undermine the country’s ability to thrive and deal with external threats from Russia, China, and others. Taking Responsibility The thing with democracy is […]

The Next Cultural Revolution

What is Critical Race Theory? According to James Lindsay, an author and mathematician, it’s a vehicle for the new Communist agenda.  It’s difficult to define CRT, in part because many of its adherents disagree about what it is. According to Lindsay, this is a deliberate strategy to blur the line, move goalposts, and invent new […]

The Conservative Manifesto

Marked by civil unrest and shaped by the Cold War, the 1960s was a tumultuous time in the United States. People often associate that decade with liberal counterculture, but it was also an important and formative time for American conservatives. Enter Barry Goldwater, a Republican Senator who decided that what his party needed was a […]

The Man Behind the Conspiracy Theories

Before he became the subject of all those strange conspiracy theories, George Soros was best known as an honest-to-goodness businessperson and international philanthropist. At age 91, he still has billions, but that’s not even the most interesting thing about him. He survived Nazi Germany before he ever became a student of economics.  His early brush […]

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